The Defenders is an American web television series created for Netflix by Douglas Petrie and Marco Ramirez, based on the Marvel Comics characters of the same name. It is set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), sharing continuity with the films of the franchise. The series was announced in 2013, with Luke Cage writer and executive producer Cheo Hodari Coker attached to develop. In November 2015, ahead of Jessica Jones's release, Coker was added as showrunner. The series premiered on August 18, 2017, consisting of eight episodes; a second season has been ordered.
Marvel had long planned a team-up between its street-level heroes since at least late 2014, with Netflix ordering a straight-to-series order in March 2015 for four separate solo shows culminating in a mini-series event titled The Defenders.
It will focus on Daredevil (Charlie Cox), Jessica Jones (Krysten Ritter), Luke Cage (Mike Colter) and Iron Fist aka Danny Rand/Finn Jones interacting together instead of separately like their own individual shows which are all leading up to this one big finale where they come together as THE DEFENDERS
This Mike Colter The Defenders Jacket is the perfect outfit for a man who wants to look stylish and tough at the same time. The black leather jacket has a comfortable fit and is made from high-quality materials. It features a zip closure, two front pockets, and a stand-up collar. This jacket is perfect for men who want to look their best while fighting crime or just going out for a night on the town.
The Mike Colter The Defenders Jacket is perfect for any man who wants to feel stylish and powerful. This jacket is made of high-quality leather, which makes it durable and long-lasting. It also features a comfortable and snug fit, so you can wear it all day without feeling uncomfortable. The jacket comes in a rich brown color, which will complement any outfit. It's the perfect jacket for spring weather, as it will keep you warm while also looking stylish.
If you're looking for a jacket that will make you feel like a superhero, then the Mike Colter The Defenders Leather Jacket is perfect for you! This jacket is inspired by the one worn by Mike Colter in the popular Netflix series, The Defenders. It's made from high-quality leather and features a comfortable lining, ensuring that you'll stay warm and cozy while wearing it. It also has a stylish design that will make you stand out from the crowd. So, if you're looking for a jacket that will make you feel like a total badass, then the Mike Colter The Defenders Leather Jacket is definitely the right choice for you!
The Mike Colter The Defenders Jacket is the perfect outerwear to wear while catching the action-packed series on television. The jacket is made of genuine leather and comes in a striking black color. It has a comfortable fit and features a front zipper closure, standup collar, and long sleeves. The jacket is perfect for all seasons and can be worn on all occasions.